Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dear Readers,

For those that have visited my page once or twice will instantly recognize my inability to frequently post updates and new columns on my music and other things. This is my lonely attempt to get into the habit of being more informed with the few followers I have been acquiring since the release of my first studio album "A Blessing of Promise" back in February of 2012. Since then we have been able to deliver almost 700 CD's whether by giving them away to family and friends, or by gracious buyers who desire to help further my musical endeavors through purchasing my CD. It is to all of you in which I give thanks for listening to my music and encouraging me to continue writing more. I have many many ideas for future projects, all of which are currently in the works at one point or another. The current detainment though is my enrollment at the Berklee College of Music.

Since being at Berklee, I have expounded my knowledge and learned many new things to reinforce and build upon that in which I already know. It helps me to be a better musician, composer, and artist. I desire to continue working with my friend Steve Lemmon at Spiral Recording Studios in St. George, Utah, so being out here on the east coast puts quite the damper on that front. I may figure out a secondary option as to releasing future albums between now and the time that I graduate but that demands a lot of funding that a college tuition has no room for! I am sure many of you understand the predicament there so I only ask patience from those who so desperately await future work to be published for I want it to happen as much as you!

I love you guys, and please comment with anything you wish! I need try harder to communicate with my audience to better hear their ideas, concerns, thanks, and appreciation. If you have any suggestions as to be considered for an Arrangement, or or things, please comment below!

Musically yours,

P.S. - I CAN tell you that another Hymn Arrangement CD is in the works, as well as an eventual Christmas Album. What Songs would you like to hear?